Dental Implants

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Missing, loose or decayed teeth and ill-fitting dentures and plates are more than just annoying. Often, they are the source of significant discomfort and, at times, even severe pain. Worse still, they can develop into more serious dental problems, if left untreated. For this reason, it is important to address these issues as soon as possible.

Dental implants can range from single-tooth replacement to a complete upper and lower arch replacement. Implants can provide a reliable, affordable and long-lasting solution to dental problems of this nature. Surprisingly, the actual treatment is quite comfortable (and able to be performed either awake or asleep), and usually requires 1-2 days for recovery, producing minimal swelling or bruising. At Innovo Dental Implants, Dr. Rattan have catalogued thousands of successful implant treatment plans and routinely undertake patients with needs ranging from the simplest (single tooth implant crowns; ‘teeth in a day’) to the most complex (full arch implant supported dentures and bridges; ‘all on 4’ and ‘all on 6’ implant bridges). Many of our patients were of the belief that implant treatment wasn’t suitable (or possible) for them, due to issues such as:
Are Dental Implants Right For Me?

Benefits of Dental Implants


While regular bridges and dentures typically only last for about 5-7 years, implants can easily last for multiple decades and beyond.

Easy Maintenance

You only need to brush and floss your teeth like normal to keep implants looking and functioning like new.

High Success Rate

Dental implants succeed in 95-98% of patients.

Jawbone Preservation

The jawbone naturally starts to shrink and atrophy when teeth go missing, but dental implants help stimulate the growth of new healthy bone. This preserves the foundation for all the teeth and helps someone maintain the natural shape of their face.

Unmatched Aesthetics

Dental implants are topped with 100% custom-made porcelain restorations, meaning the only people who will know which teeth aren’t real are you and Dr. Rattan.

Root to Crown

Dental implants are the only reconstructive treatment in all of dentistry that restores both the root and crown of a tooth. The replacement teeth are secured using a small titanium post placed within the jawbone, ensuring patients never have to worry about breakage or slippage no matter what they are eating.

What Dental Implant Solution is Right For Me?

Type of Dental Implants We Offer

Single Tooth Dental Implants

A single tooth implant is an ideal solution for individuals who are missing a single teeth. The replaced tooth replaces both the lost natural tooth and its root and will look and function like a natural tooth.  You will help be able to regain confidence in your smile. Speak and smile again without worrying about your missing tooth.

An additional benefit to single a tooth implant is that it can help prevent bone loss.  This can not be accomplished by wearing a conventional dental bridge. That is because the implant stimulates the bone, through regular chewing and biting, which helps to stave off deterioration of the jaw.

Implant Supported Dental Bridges

Are you missing several teeth, but not enough to require replacement of the entire arch?  Implant supported dental bridges can provide an attractive, functional, long-term solution. Unlike fixed bridges or removable partials, an implant supported bridge won’t require support from your healthy surrounding teeth.  This is different from conventional bridges.  In a conventional bridge, existing teeth are compromised.  These end teeth are used to support the two ends of the bridge.

Implant supported bridges preserve your chewing ability.  They help to maintain the attractiveness of your smile.  Dental implant supported bridges also assist in preserving the integrity of your jaw bone at the location of the implants.

All On 4 Dental Impalnts

All on 4 dental implants refer to a procedure that can provide you with a full set of teeth supported by a total of 4 implants in each jaw. If you’ve lost all your teeth, an upper and lower set of All-on-4 may be a good solution. All on 4 dental implants are held permanently in place by 4 titanium screw implants in your jawbone. The dentures can often be fitted on the same day as the surgery, they look just like normal teeth and they’re securely positioned so they cannot be removed. 

Today’s state of the art dental implant systems allow us to replace a maximum number of teeth with a minimum number of dental implants.  Now, using the latest cutting edge techniques, we are able to place a full set of fixed, non-removable replacement teeth on the top or bottom jaw on as few as only 4 dental implants